Love is the message for today’s readings. In the second reading, Paul speaks of why love is the greatest gift we receive from God. Jeremiah shows us in the first reading that God loved us even before we were formed in our mothers’ wombs. We are capable of love because God loves us, which is expressed perfectly by Jesus Christ. Even in the face of abuse and ridicule, Jesus showers love on those who persecute him because his love is pure and sincere.
There is not a single thing that allows us to model the perfection of God better in our actions than to love. Love is not an emotion, an impulse, or a desire; these are only ways in which we try to understand love by our limitations as human beings. Rather, love is willing the good for another person for their own sake. The nature of love, which can be found in all human beings since we are made in the image and likeness of God and which can be perfected by modelling the actions of Christ, is simple: human beings deserve love because of our inherent dignity.
- St. Mary's E-reflection excerpt
Family activity to do at home: Parents, use the story of Sister Josefa Menéndez to teach your children how our work is love, and how we can work with Christ to save souls with our love. See the activity.

National Marriage Week Celebration
You are invited to celebrate National Marriage Week! The observances of National Marriage Week (Feb 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, Feb. 13th) are an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family.
The Family Life Office will be hosting a Diocesan Marriage Celebration Mass with Bishop Oscar Solis and an enrichment on February 11th beginning at 6:00pm at St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church in Holladay. Following the Mass, Deacon Scott Dodge and his wife Holly will discuss their marriage in a talk named after the theme, Called to the Joy of Love.
Additionally, this year the Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life, & Youth will be hosting live-streamed events via the For Your Marriage Facebook Page.
Please register for the event online by visiting: DIOSLC.ORG/EVENTS/70.
You are invited to participate in the Synod of Bishops, “Walking Together.” St. Mary’s Church will be hosting three parish listening sessions to hear the sentiments, views, and concerns of the community.
Participation in the Synod of Bishops is an invitation to the people of God to discover where we have been, where we are, and where we would like to go as a Church. Past experiences have formed us, and sometimes have had very powerful positive or negative consequences that affect our relationship with God and one another.
Current expressions of our faith (or lack of faith), relationships to God and neighbor, worship, sense of mission, present challenges, joys, and local realities shape the activity, prayer, and spirituality of the Body of Christ. The future beholds our aspirations and dreams. Your participation in the Synod of Bishops will give valuable input to the bishops and Church at large.
The theme of the Synod is “Communion, Mission, Participation.” If we keep in mind that working for these three aspects to be strengthened through listening first, we will learn more about the greater reality of our lives together and help us journey together as a Church in taking positive steps forward in faithfulness.
All are invited and one does not need to be a Catholic to participate. Dates for upcoming listening sessions are:
Saturday, February 5
Saturday, March 5