merry christmas!
After the penitential season of Advent, in which we spent our focus on preparing our hearts for the coming of Christ, Christmas is finally upon us! Today, let us reflect on the great mystery of the incarnation of Jesus Christ.
At the beginning of time, God spoke the universe into being. All the planets and stars, all the plants and animals, every human to ever live, has been brought into being by the mere speech of God. St. John’s gospel reveals to us that God loves us, the pinnacle of his creation, so much that the eternal creator of the universe condescended himself to become one of us. He didn’t come, though in a great spectacle of power and glory. Instead, he cloaked his majesty and entered the world as a poor child, a helpless baby.
The unimaginable humility of our God should give us pause. In the silence of the night, he unites himself to our nature and becomes one of us, knowing that we will not accept him. The creator then subjected himself to torture and death to purchase for us the rewards of eternal union with him.
When we wish our family and friends a Merry Christmas, let us hold this reality in our hearts. Merry Christmas really means: “rejoice, for the Lord has come!”