Several of St. Mary's ministries are in need of new volunteers. This month, please prayerfully consider signing up to serve in a special way!
From volunteers needed at upcoming St. Mary's Events to our Welcome Ministry to opportunities to serve at Mass, at our Food Bank, Sandwich Ministry, and more, St. Mary's wants to give you the opportunity to serve and build up the Body of Christ in the Wasatch Back.
Join by clicking on the links below:
Altar Linens
Gracie Cortes - (435) 649-9676 -
Volunteers to take care of and wash the altar linens are appreciated and help may be needed in certain months.
Altar Servers
Will Roundy - wroundy@stmarysparkcity
Sign up your child to be an altar server at Mass.
Bereavement Ministry
Kate Gideon - (435) 649-9676
Help families after the loss of a loved one.
Communion to Homebound
Nancy Tosti - (435) 783-5831 -
Help in bringing Communion to those who are unable to come to church to receive.
Food Bank Ministry (at Old Town Chapel, 121 Park Ave, Park City)
Sarah Dellenbach - (435) 655-7041
Help stock and distribute donated goods to those in need. St. Mary's food bank is operated out of the social hall of the Old Town Chapel on Park Avenue.
Gabriel Project
Arlene Helfand - (435) 714-9300 -
Help guide young women and support them as they make the brave decision to choose life and announce the good news to them.
High School Ministry
Anthony Jewett -
Help provide catechesis and discussion to high school students who want to dive deeper into the Catholic Faith.
Knights of Columbus
John Carty, Grand Knight -
Attend meetings and help serve the community through the local council of the Knights of Columbus. Opportunities include donation drives, an annual St. Patrick's Day party, golf tournaments for charity, and more.
Lector at Mass
Nancy Tosti -
Participate at Mass by helping to do the readings.
Become a Eucharistic Minister
Nancy Tosti -
Help distribute Communion during Mass. Training required.
Make Sandwiches for the Homeless
Frank Lesar, Anthony Jewett -
Help make sandwiches with other parishioners for local homeless shelters. This ministry usually meets in the St. Mary's kitchen the second Wednesday of the month around 12:30/1:00 PM.
Music Ministry
Joe Demers -
Join our musicians and learn how to help sing during Masses.
Spanish Mass Coordinating
Nery Leonardo - (435)-714-0634
Find out more information to help out at the Spanish Masses.
Tutoring Ministry
Annie Iram - (630)-881-7527
Do you think you could be called to help children in school? You can serve in a meaningful, life-changing way for only 1 hour a week! St. Mary’s is looking for volunteers at least 16 years of age to help during school weeks. Volunteers must complete Safe Environment Training.
Wedding Coordinating
Sandy Foley - (435) 940-5455 -
Get involved in being a wedding coordinator at St. Mary's. You'll be able to help guide couples in the process of getting married at our parish up to their wedding day.
Welcome Ministry
Anthony Jewett -
St. Mary's wishes to welcome all who come to church and ensure they are comfortable. Help be a greeter, help usher, and more.
Young Family Ministry/Children's Liturgy
Anthony Jewett -
Help provide fun events for young families in this ministry! Also, help will be needed to start up a Children's Liturgy program.